Friday, March 23, 2018

Zavanta Software Principles Highlighted in New Book “Secrets of Success with Procedures

In his new book Secrets of Success With Procedures, Jack Nicholas, Jr., BS, MBA, P.E., CMRP, CRL, internationally recognized expert in business operations and maintenance reliability and a decorated US Navy veteran and naval engineer, shares his experiences on the importance of written procedures to operations success. Jack describes and discusses many management attributes centered on written procedures and includes a sample procedure found in Zavanta software.

Secrets of Success with Procedures is a quick, must-read for anyone involved in Policy, Process, Plans and Procedure management or for leaders wanting to make long-lasting improvements in their organization.  Jack’s extensive experience validates yet again that ‘Good Procedures = Success.’ He shows that with clearly communicated standard operating procedures, organizations can drive the outcomes they want. 

If you have thought of standard operating procedures as nice-to-have non-essentials or a “necessary evil,” see if you still think so AFTER you read Chapter 7, ‘How to Investigate Procedure Not Followed’ and the included case study entitled ’The Matchbox and the Nuclear Reactor.’ The concepts Jack presents are based on principles of human behavior supported by case studies showing just how effective and essential they are.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Know Why Do Organizations Need Policy and Procedure Management Software

In this ever growing, regulated, business world, the use of paper and file have become archaic as dial up modems. Organizations who take time to adopt the recent changes suffer as it becomes tough for them to adapt to the significant, increased efficiency, improved process, and reduced risk from the proper implementation of a policy and procedure software solution. Not all the policy and procedure management solutions are made equal, there are various important characteristics that any solution needs to possess so that users can stay ahead.

If your organization is not in a mood to currently employ the cloud software solution, then you need to ask yourself:

policy and procedure management software - Comprose Inc
  • It is getting tough to manage your important policies and procedures and as an organization you often get stuck in the review and approval process 
  • Do you find it easy to track and manage the employee compliance on your important documents? 
  • Do you think it is easy for you to update, replace, and distribute the newer versions of your existing policies and procedures? 

 If not, then it is the time to go for an effective policy and procedure management software solution:
  1. It helps employees to retrieve their policies or procedures 
  2. It will show only the most current version that is available to the end user. Also, it allows the policy and procedure managers to update and replace older versions of the policy. 
  3. It helps to automate the review and the approval cycle so that the policies and procedures can be reviewed and approved by the subject matter experts before they publish it. It helps the organizations to set up groups of subject matter experts to give advice on business-critical documents. 
  4. To utilize different versions of important policies and procedures. The solution should be able to automatically update the versioning and can be used by the end user, to help with the document retrieval. 
  5. To establish a distribution mechanism to ensure the right people get the right policies. It helps to create groups to differentiate the members of your organization and they receive the policies, procedures and all other business critical documents. 

A proper policy and procedure management software system helps to easily use, easily scalable, contain the online repository of various business critical documents to automate the document lifestyle. of business-critical documents. Lastly, all actions on the system should be easily tracked and reported on, to provide insulation against potential litigation. Those that implement these best practices would never get