Monday, September 10, 2018

“Do You have Anything More Complex and Convoluted?” Said No Auditor Ever

Trying to get compliant and make your audit process smoother? Clearly outlining how things happen in your organization not only helps demonstrate compliance to auditors, it can actually help you be compliant. Creating SOPs that are accessible to your employees is an effective means to improve operations. At the same time, it creates an easy path for auditors and regulatory entities to follow.

In many cases, managing and disseminating information well is just as important as the actual policies and procedures themselves. There are three layers that any good SOP system must account for:

  1. Writing
    ou have to create good content, clearly written, easy to follow, in line with compliance.

  2. Sharing
    You have to share compliance information throughout your organization. Employees need easy access to new and updated SOPs as they do their work.

  3. Managing
    You have to manage your SOP content. You need to keep content up-to-date, and ensure that the latest version is accessible, and also retain change history and approval signoffs.
To support your goals of staying compliant: Write clearly. Share easily. Manage strategically.

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