Monday, November 5, 2018

Get Expert Help to Complete Your Procedure Manuals Project

There’s another reason your project for developing a company procedure manual or for bringing your ancient policies and procedures manuals up to date might be stalled and stuck on the back burner. As we began in our earlier post 5 Ways to Finally Get Your Procedure Manuals Done, sometimes projects bog down because the task at hand is unfamiliar to you and your team lacks experience and confidence.

Differences of opinion among team members on how to go about the process of writing policies and procedures can cause gridlock. You can’t get “buy in” to move the project forward because the team lacks consensus on the best way to proceed.

If any of these situations seem familiar, maybe the answer is to seek help from a third party expert who can offer your team best practices, advice and tricks of the trade that will break the gridlock and propel you towards your goals. If you want to jumpstart a stalled project, save yourself time and money, and get yourself or your team moving forward in the right direction, consider signing up for some procedure writing training, individual consulting, or educational webinars.

As hard as it might be to believe, there actually are professionals with many years of experience who know the best ways to go about writing policies and procedures who can help you, as well as books, blogs, and webinars available. [Ahem . . . COMPROSE Policy and Procedure Pros who write this blog have decades of experience with all types of policies and procedures, work instructions, operations manuals, training guides and more.]

In addition to reading this blog for opinions and tips on writing Policies and Procedures that deliver more value, check out our webinar series, particularly our How to Create User-friendly Procedures webinar. Just follow the link to download a datasheet.

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